Catch me if you can
Look quickly or you might miss me
On that boat where I used to sit and think
I hopped the uninviting fence
I ducked into the back room and up the steps where
I found my spot to settle in for a while facing the wind, when we first spoke
Until the sun hung low in the sky and everything turned purple
Neon lights illuminated buzzing streets,
Turning the world into a new landscape
A virtual reality –
Anxiety take me home
Catch my reflection in the window
Tram doors open to fresh air
Enter city noise, exit monotone voice recordings noting the location
Dirty sneakers on pavement, not so white anymore
Move me towards a place I’ve made familiar
To sit with my back to the sun and think
The place where I find peace
The place where I am unbothered
The city runs around me but I am away in my own sphere
These thoughts, felt tip on paper, ink running effortlessly
As my visceral self turns into lines traced on a page and procured into words with meaning
Look quickly
There’s my soul
Drying ink on paper, for all to see
Can you make sense of it?
Do you recognize yourself?
An open book – only for a moment
Come take a look or you might miss it
Try to catch me if you can
December 3, 2018
. this is kind of amazing , thank you for sharing