Blog, Mindfulness

Six Easy Tips to Practice Mindfulness

As a college student, balancing school, internships, jobs, friendships, and student organizations can be overwhelming. This is something I struggled with throughout college, and more often than not I ended up feeling like I had to rush through my day…

Blog, Travel

Dear London

Dear London, I came across a record today that I hadn’t listened to in awhile. It’s a record called Visions of a Life by a band called Wolf Alice. I was instantly reminded of you. I was overwhelmed with emotion,…

Jenna Million in the Margin Walker office by Mason Endres
Blog, Experience, Travel

The Double Life of a College Student

My junior year of college was not spent participating in student organizations or studying in the library or going to college parties. My third year of college was spent working as a professional in the music industry. I just happened…
