Pop Punk Please | Personal Music Blog
PopPunkPlease.com is where my writing started as a music-obsessed teen. I wrote reviews for concerts (most of which I was able to attend thanks to my lovely parental escorts), and consequently discovered an outlet where I could voice my passion for music. At the same time, I was enrolled in a high school journalism course that taught me the fundamentals of writing, and I went on to join newspaper, yearbook, and compete as part of the school's UIL journalism team.

Orange Magazine | UT Austin Magazine
Starting college with a history of writing about music, I quickly found the Orange Magazine music section. Orange taught me magazine-style storytelling where I developed more feature writing and interview skills. Orange is also is where I found my first community at UT, and it’s where I was introduced to the local music scene of Austin.

Daily Texan | UT Austin Newspaper
During the summer after my freshman year at UT I joined the Daily Texan as a Life and Arts writer and a photographer. I attribute my refined writing and editing skills to the Texan and to my editor who taught me to think critically about the most concise and effective way to communicate information.